New ARCHKids Playground!
January 20, 2017Staff Spotlight: Derrick Martinez
January 25, 2017
Our kids recently had two weeks of Winter fun over the holidays! They went ice skating at City Skate and Ice block racing, had yummy pizza at Peter Piper Pizza, had a day at Phoenix Zoo, saw 'Rogue One' and 'Sing' at Harkins Theatres and had a fun Snow day in Flagstaff!
ARCHKids Coordinator, Derrick Martinez, said, "They really had a lot of fun at all our activities! Some kids were new to our programs and some had never seen snow before. Going to Flagstaff was a long trip for many of them, being away from the city all day, but you should have seen the looks on their faces when they saw the snow!"
Thanks to our kind anonymous benefactor!
Our trip to see the snow in Flagstaff:
Looks like such a fun program!!
It looks as though a good time was had by all!