2022 ARCHKids Field Day!
April 29, 2022October 2022 ARCHKids Field Day
November 9, 2022
ARCH is amazing! I thank you, Kip and Vera, for allowing me to be apart of your world. I love you both! Derrick, thank you for all your support over the years!
Janine Warn
Today we interview Janine about her time at ARCH. She has been apart of the ARCHFamily for 15 years! It's a bittersweet moment for us to say goodbye to Janine as she retires. With all the devotion and hard work she has put into not only her career but also in the ARCH's Paradise Valley campus, she has certainly earned it! Congratulations on your retirement!
What were you doing before you came to ARCH? How did you become apart of the ARCHFamily?
I was working at Shadow Mountain High School's transition program in a special education classroom. Prior to this, I was working in the medical field for a few years.
I was looking for a second job and the phone rang. Marlas, a former ARCH Staff, was on the other end asking if we knew anyone who would like to work at ARCH. The rest is history. I've been at ARCH since September 2006.
What has been your favorite part about working at ARCH?
My favorite part about is that I met so many beautiful participants and their families.
What are your proudest moments at ARCH and in your program?
I am very proud of my students when they graduate high school. It's a bittersweet celebration. They are able to move on to bigger and better experiences, however, I don't get to see them everyday.
We also put on a Murder Mystery Dinner and all the kids had a very important role! They did so well, and I was so proud of them! From that point on, I knew they could achieve anything if they had the right person to lead the way.
What has been the weirdest internet/fashion trend you have seen while working with the kids?
The weirdest trend I've seen is seeing kids today wearing fashion that I was wearing when I was their age.
Who has influenced you the most?
My four daughters (triplets +1) have had the biggest influence on me. I was their only provider, so I woke up and went to work for them every day.
What advice would you give to the new staff at ARCH?
I would tell all the new staff to always remember, our participants have special needs. If they acted the ay you wanted them to, you're in the wrong field. Love them and learn from them. You'll be surprised the places you go because of them.
Who's your favorite ARCH Staff to hang out with after work?
I have many favorites! Some I used to hang out with all the time (Derrick) but I'd have to say Michael, Janel, and Mindy. My peeps!
Being a New Yorker, who were you rooting for in the 2001 World Series, Diamondbacks or Yankees?
I was definitely rooting for the Diamondbacks. Now if the Mets were playing... that would have been a different story.
What are you looking forward to most during retirement?
I am looking to stressing less and more grandchildren time.
Finish the sentence. ARCH has taught me...?
ARCH has taught me to have confidence in myself and to push my expectations to the limit. It has taught me that we're a family. The support they have shown me over the years is amazing.